Monday, January 18, 2010

Still Moving Forward

It seems like it has been forever since I've posted. I feel like things are moving forward well. I'm still drawing the figure in the morning and painting casts in the afternoon. We did start ecorche at the beginning of January (Thursday afternoons). I'm really excited about it. Each week we have anatomical drawings that are due. We then sculpt those same anatomical portions of the figures during class. Last Thursday we started sculpting the skull. I need to put more time into it because I didn't finish, but it's coming along well. I'll take some snap shots and post them soon. Also, on my own, I have started studying color. I've been reading some books and doing a few exercises. I will try and post some of what I'm learning as well. I would love to start getting some ideas from other artists about what they found helpful in understanding color.

Today I've posted the figure drawing I'm doing and the bust I'll start painting this week.


Camie Isabella Salaz said...

Hey Neal, You have come so far, I remember your first cast. Great job, I am so excited for your future as a professional artist.

Thanks for Looking!